By Dana Rinderknecht, Director of Online Giving Tuesday, May 3, was Give Local America Day 2016. This giving day allows communities around the country to do something similar to Colorado Gives Day. This year there was a technology glitch in most of the communities causing the online fundraising platform, Kimbia, to go down for almost 10 hours in the middle of the day. I was asked by Beth Kanter to write a blog about our crisis planning process for Colorado Gives Day, and we thought Colorado Nonprofits might find this informative. Lessons from Give Local America Day On Give Local America Day community foundations across the country rally to support local nonprofits in what is marketed as the largest community-driven crowdfunding event of the year. As a self-proclaimed Gives Day Junkie, I love giving days. We have not participated in Give Local America Day, but has completed six gives days and over the course of these we have raised over $111 million dollars fo..., powered by Community First Foundation, is an online giving website providing up-to-date information about Colorado nonprofits and an easy way to support them online.