By Bryce Wilkinson, Senior Online Giving Specialist Summer. A time for running through sprinklers, riding bikes, vacations and the many other activities long days with sunshine afford. At our house, as I’m sure is also the case for many of you, we typically have friends and family stay with us at various points throughout the summer. Before our guests come, we always tidy up a bit, so everything is in order and looks good when they arrive. This same concept of getting your house ready for guests applies to your profile. Each year you are required to complete the entire Profile Update Process . The Profile Update Process is a way to make sure you have reviewed the profile, updated information as necessary, checked for accuracy and uploaded current required documents. It is important to complete the entire Profile Update Process for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, it is a requirement for your profile to remain on, to participat..., powered by Community First Foundation, is an online giving website providing up-to-date information about Colorado nonprofits and an easy way to support them online.