By Samantha Barlow, Communications Coordinator Susie Davis presents on Eagle County Gives' strategies for helping local nonprofits work with businesses to maximize donations. In June, seven current and prospective Regional Champions gathered at Community First Foundation’s Meeting Space to build community, share ideas and learn about new programs, website enhancements and ways to help nonprofits better steward donors. ColoradoGives Regional Champions partner with us to increase online giving in regions beyond metro Denver. They extend the “Give Where You Live” message by providing support, outreach and awareness to the local nonprofits in their communities. We interviewed Susie Davis with Eagle County Gives to get an insider’s view of our day in June: Q. How long have you been involved with ColoradoGives as a Regional Champion? A. Eagle County Gives was an early adopter. Through the collective efforts of several Eagle County nonprofits over the pas..., powered by Community First Foundation, is an online giving website providing up-to-date information about Colorado nonprofits and an easy way to support them online.